Hey! Awesome to hear that you are interested in the Koornbeurs.
Becoming a member at O.J.V. the Koornbeurs is a possibility throughout the year, whether you are a student or not. As a brand new "kennismaker" you have exactly the same rights as members; you can go behind the bar, you can be present at the drinks when the café is closed to other Delft residents, and you can participate in any committee. The only difference is that you are not allowed to vote at member meetings yet. After two to four months you can decide to become a permanent member of the Koornbeurs.
As an open youth association, we mainly focus on young people in Delft and the surrounding area, but everyone is welcome. You are required to be at least 16 years of age or older.
At the Koornbeurs we don't do hazing, but we do hazings on request (some people apparently like to be hazed).
Some useful information at a glance:
-Registration at the association costs €20,-
- You will receive a Koornbeurs bag with random nice stuff
-Being a member costs €10 per month. This will only take effect after the "kennismakers" period.
Als je geen bericht hebt gekregen van ons een week nadat je je hebt ingeschreven, stuur dan een mail naar bestuur@koornbeurs.nl zodat je zeker weet dat je inschrijving door is gekomen.
Sign-up form!
Contact information
Voldersgracht 1
2611 ET Delft
Mailbox 3131
Vaste lijn: 015 212 47 42
KvK: 40397066
Empirical research has shown that the association is difficult to reach on 2 January and 28 April.